Welcome to Revit Training Live.com.
'Revit Platinum Ticket' is a collection of recordings of ongoing Revit Architecture workshops that are being conducted online and offline in aiming to help professionals embrace BIM technology.
Till date, RPT (Revit Platinum Ticket) program has discussed more than 1000 Revit topics over 150 hours of online and offline Revit Architecture workshops.
While at Kerala the presenter who is an architect has also served as a BIM guest lecturer for M.Arch Advanced Computer Studio Program at DG College of Architecture.
These Revit workshops focus on explaining the techniques required to create buildings in Revit Architecture from the ground up. As the project progress, a wide variety of topics are discussed in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step format.
To explain concepts, an electronic white board is used to take screen shots, make quick sketches and outline procedures.
While working as BIM Specialist and Revit Trainer at BurtHill Dubai, the presenter aspired to produce helpful Revit Architecture workshops covering various topics in like the industry expert, Paul F.Aubin does.
And now here it is for you to explore.
As a compliment to BIM users, for a limited time, the recordings of 'Revit Platinum Ticket' Revit Architecture workshops are now available for FREE downloading and viewing to those interested and can understand Malayalam language.
Hurry! Click the big green button below to become a member and get FREE instant access to workshops.
To your BIM projects' success,
Subair Shamsudheen (Architect)
Click Here to Expand the Syllabus: 99 Days - Revit Platinum Ticket Video Training Course - Quick Overview
99-Day Program
- Day-1
- Maintain a Revit Diary
- Start your daily practice Ritual
- Capturing doubts and ideas in your diary
- How to familiarize the interface
- RFS - How is it useful
- Families: What are they?
- How to search the web for information
- How to Bookmark useful websites
- What are the different Parts of interface landscape
- Isometric views
- How to create Perspective views
- Ribbon: How is it useful
- lR-menu: What are the useful options in R-menu?
- How to create new items
- How to Navigate the interface
- What do the two small buttons do?: Recent files and Open documents
- How to play Revit class recorded videos
- Day-2
- How to access Help file offline?
- Recent Documents
- Pushpin feature
- How to setup keyboard shortcuts
- Tool tip assistance
- How to prevent losing your work?
- How to set up default path for template files?
- Increasing temporary dimension size?
- Day-3
- Control bar
- Visual styles
- Viewing styles with mouse
- Crop region tools - Two types: Functionality related - Display related
- Hiding objects on your screen
- Day-4
- Control bar
- Visual styles
- Viewing styles with mouse Chameleon nature of Ribbon
- Options bar
- Genie bar
- Hidden world of tools
- Disclosure arrows
- Dropdown button
- How to end from current active tool -
- MD for modify
- Navigating through project documents
- Properties panel: lost and found!
- Where are general tools located?
- Why did objects in screen gray out?
- Properties panel; PP
- Edit Type button
- Crop region tools - Two types: Functionality related - Display related
- Hiding objects on your screen
- Day-5
- Starting a Residential Project
- Template
- File types
- Units
- Creating your Residence
- UN for units
- New project file
- Editing template file
- Updating Options
- File locations
- Day-6
- How to include specific folder in scroll area of open documents
- Adding folder location
- Backup files - .001 files
- Specifying number of History files
- Starting a project
- Creating levels
- How do objects exist in Revit?
- After the fact editing
- Level creation procedure
- 2D to 3D extents
- 3D to 2D conversions
- Blue objects
- How to adjust level heights
- Black levels: what do they indicate?
- Deleting levels
- Day-7
- Plan views - Black and Blue
- Black level head means?
- How to generate plan views for levels?
- How to solve text overlapping problem with levels that are very close?
- Editing level head
- Annotation symbols unlisted in Symbols list of Levels!
- Day-8
- Special Nature of Annotation Symbols
- Annotation symbols
- How they appear
- Deciding list of spaces / rooms
- How to create a room schedule
- Adding new rows
- Deleting rows
- Question: Should we create all objects in 3D or not?
- Day-9
- Explain wall top constraint and base constraint
- Rules for creating walls
- How to dimension from wall faces
- Tab key
- Creating custom walls
- Properties panel when no objects are selected.
- ZF: zoom to fit
- How many system families?
- Edit type button
- Duplicating
- Editing structure
- Adding layers
- Exterior and Interior sides
- Assigning function to layers
- layers not visible in plan
- switching off lineweights temporarily 'TL' mode
- Creating similar objects
- Day-10
- Wall creation
- Type selector
- Checking levels
- Options bar
- Settings
- Viewing modes
- HL - SD
- Mighty tab key - Dimensions: ending them
- Units precision
- Swapping interior exterior faces with space bar
- Wall structure
- Wall function
- Core and non core objects
- Core boundary
- Core object behaviour
- Wall clean ups
- Wall creation location line
- Wall centerline
- Core center line
- Finish face exterior
- Length accuracy with keyboard entry
- Day-11
- Offset tool and its weird nature
- How offset works in Revit
- How to match properties
- OTA (Object Tool Action) method
- How to lock position of objects
- How to dimension walls
- 'Entire' option for walls
- How to edit dimensions
- How to end dimensions
- Day-12
- Blue boxes on Dimension lines
- How blue boxes behave when clicked
- Concept of views in Revit
- Types of parameters
- Dimension: witness line gap to element
- Closing views
- How to create multiple copies of a view
- Types of duplications
- Hiding objects in views
- Applying visibility settings to many views
- Creating view templates
- Applying view templates
- Day-13
- How are objects categorized
- Editing dimensions between walls
- Wall creation methods
- Inscribed - Circumscribed - Arc walls
- Two types Start - end - radius
- Center - ends - arc
- Tangent
- How to create rounded corners
- Fillet arc
- How to create linework
- Creating walls with 'pick lines' method
- Wall creation method
- Flipping walls without changing interior dimensions
- Offset: best option for offsetting walls
- Offset problem addressed
- Offset value treated in Revit
- Location to location line
- Day-14
- Active view
- Reducing project loading time
- What is preview
- Offsetting walls
- Detecting location line used to draft walls
- How to trim walls
- How are objects categorized
- Floor creation
- PICK tools
- Sketch mode
- Big green check mark
- Duplicate before creating floors
- Editing floors
- Splitting elements
- Day-15
- Floor creation best practices
- Floor behaviour when using pick walls and pick lines tool
- Stair creation from pavement to Ground floor
- Maximum riser height means
- Minimum tread depth means
- Stair calculator
- Deleting railings
- 'Monolithic' means
- Removing stringers
- Stringer carriage
- Height means
- Disabling 'End with Riser'
- Day-16
- Subtraction: Reveal
- Reveal in walls
- Sweep: profiles
- How to see ref. planes in family Editor
- Load into project
- How to add information to templates
- Hiding objects in Revit
- Printing hidden objects
- How to detect hidden elements
- Detecting elements in temporary hidden mode
- Exit from temporary hiding mode
- Short keys for temporary hiding and permanent hiding
- Day-17
- Base extension for walls
- Stacked wall
- Parameter types
- Top extension for walls
- General editing moves
- Day-18
- Splitting elements
- Adding and subtracting from walls
- Wrapping walls
- 'At Inserts'
- 'At ends'
- Wall reveals
- Families
- Wall Reveal profiles
- Family Editor
- How to view hidden planes in families
- V V
- Reveal
- Profile base and ref. planes
- Day-19
- How to subtract or remove portions from floor or any solid geometry
- Model Inplace
- Void forms
- Void Extrusions
- Cut Geometry tool
- Bread and knife example
- How to create extrusion in elevation
- Defining a plane
- Day-20
- Working environments in Revit
- Project environment
- Family environment
- Project browser
- Closing hidden views
- Why 'Cut Geometry' not working?
- Void extrusion
- Custom visibility features
- How to define a plane for extrusion?
- How to know the plane of drafting
- Creating nosing around slab
- Sweep tool
- Selecting appropriate view for drafting
- Sweep path
- Sweep profile
- View cube
- Extrude profile along path
- Day-21
- Different types of working environments in Revit
- How to recognize different project environments
- Making custom components inside project management
- Creation mode
- Positive objects
- Negative objects
- Pasting cad details onto roof surface
- How to trace cad details
- Difference between model lines and detail lines
- Pasting logo to roof
- Filter selection
- Selecting a new face for logo
- Day-22
- Rules to keep in mind before placing any object
- Properties of objects
- Drafting a plan
- View specific means
- Hiding objects in Revit
- How to check hidden objects in project
- Chain option for walls
- Drafting a plan
- Temporary dimensions
- Blue boxes
- Making temporary dimensions permanent
- Making copies of objects
- Making quick copies with control button
- Equalizing width of rooms
- Displaying dimensions instead of EQ
- Removing equalization constraints
- Locking width of rooms
- Day-23
- Drafting tools in Revit
- Creating drafting views
- Sheet view
- Changing drafting view scale
- Detail lines
- Align tool
- Multiple alignment
- move tool
- moving with accuracy
- Using constrain in options bar
- Offset tool
- Spacebar to flip wall sides
- Changing location line
- Copying objects
- Multiple copies
- Rotating objects
- Shifting axis of rotation
- Rotating and copying simultaneously
- Mirroring objects
- Day-24
- How to create floor projection
- In-place modeling
- Sweep
- Sweep path
- Sweep profile
- View cube to view drafting profile
- Applying materials
- Moving gridlines with tab key
- All corrections in Edit mode
- Modify tools: Trim/Extend to corner
- How to draw in 3D environment
- Tools for creating ref. planes
- Setting workplanes
- Showing work planes
- Model lines in 3D view
- Day-25
- How to emphasize projection on external wall
- Line work tool
- Back to normal line weight
- Pinning objects to work environment
- Removing pin
- Measure quick distance
- Creating array of objects
- Group and Associate
- Array options: 2nd last
- Radial option
- Choose 2nd sets the angle between objects
- Move to last option
- Day-26
- Default styles for walls/floors/objects
- Manage object styles
- How to override linestyle of single wall
- Override by element
- Bringing new hatch patterns
- Removing overrides
- Resizing objects: graphically
- Day-27
- Creating view templates
- Applying view templates
- How to remove information from projects
- Purging items
- Fetching families from internet
- Changing wall types
- Selecting similar objects
- Changing wall material
- Shifting rooms without resizing
- Day-28
- Placing doors
- Resizing doors
- Door graphics study
- 2D symbolic lines in doors
- Grouping symbolic lines
- How to make objects invisible
- Matching properties
- Day-29
- Stair design
- Stringer height
- Monolithic
- Landing carriage height
- Stringer carriage height
- Open stringer offset
- Stringers: open, closed, none
- Day-30
- Stair creation
- Extend Riser Behind Tread
- Extend Tread Under Riser
- Stair: Boundary + Riser
- Stair calculation rules
- Transferring info from project to project
- Understand line color notations: Green, Black lines
- Day-31
- Creating curved stairs
- Ref. planes for creating curved stairs
- Why ref. planes ?
- Ref. planes drawn in any direction
- Baluster correction
- Breakline in stairs
- View range
- How is the breakline created?
- Creating landing in curved stairs
- Day-32
- Creating stairs with varying widths
- Boundary line sketch tools
- Custom stair creation
- Boundary + Risers
- Snap shortcuts
- Temporary isolate option
- HR
- Temporary hiding
- Day-33
- Creating stone stairs
- 'Pick lines' tool
- Stairs with varying widths
- Base sketch in AutoCAD
- DIV command in CAD
- Format point style
- Osnap mode
- Perpendicular
- BR
- Importing to Revit
- Boundary
- Pick lines option
- 0 remaining
- EH to hide
- Day-34
- Stair modeling
- Creating a custom stair
- How to generate 2D cad drawing of a 3D view in Revit? (Sheet views)
- Day-35
- Stairs: solid extrusions + void extrusions
- Repeated void extrusions
- Cutting steps with Void extrusion
- Railing correction
- Rule for Splitting and reshaping boundary lines
- Create solid extrusion and void extrusion in same editing session
- Handles to adjust shape
- Railing following stairs
- Splitting railing to create flat railings
- Day-36
- Creating extrusions using tracing method
- Imported JPEG
- Border around line work
- Baluster offset problem
- Railings: add more railings
- Insert button
- Railing profile
- Rail offset means
- Number of balusters per tread
- Day-37
- 'Space' in baluster placement
- 'Offset' means
- Drawing model lines
- How to know the active workplane
- Nature of model lines
- Model lines creation
- How to change active work plane
- Visibility settings VV
- Placing decals of walls
- Viewing decals
- Rendering outputs
- Day-38
- How to solve line breakups in plan
- Wall joins tool
- Masking region to hide unwanted lines
- Line Styles <invisible lines>
- Creating details with callouts
- Day-39
- Workplanes in Revit
- Why ref. planes not shown
- Workplane types
- Extrusion start
- Extrusion end
- Zero extrusion point
- Grid lines different types
- Auto numbering in grid lines
- Resetting value in grid lines
- Grids in structural design
- Spacebar to rotate columns
- Structural columns from structural folder
- Day-40
- Grid line graphics
- Elbow
- 3D to 2D extents
- 2D to 3D extents
- Last number or alphabet remembered
- Day-41
- Datum
- Imaginary reference to help construction
- Switching from 3D to 2D extents
- Levels
- Grid lines
- Reference planes
- Changing to 3D extents
- Changing to 2D extents
- 2D is view specific
- Creating walk throughs
- Walk through paths
- Editing walk throughs
- Key frames and frames
- Previous key frame
- Creating an AVI file
- Day-42
- Wall drafting technique with detail lines
- Spacebar for flipping walls
- Detail lines for splitting
- Tab key to cycle through elements
- Joining different walls
- Joining walls core to core
- Wall joins tool
- Wall drafting and editing
- Accurate interior dimensions
- Drafting with detail lines
- Hiding dimension lines by filtering
- Hiding by visibility overrides
- Orienting to view
- How to load families
- Day-43
- How do families behave?
- What happens when loading families?
- Where do families accumulate?
- How to bring families to workspace?
- How to create a family using Autocad drawing
- Placing families
- Day-44
- Creating openings on walls
- Bringing back view to display whole structure
- How to view 3D camera in ground floor plan
- Arraying openings
- Grouping openings on walls
- Using detail lines to find midpoint.
- Day-45
- Preparing simple presentations
- While color for wall material on exterior side
- Accessing material window
- Surface pattern
- Using array while creating wall openings
- Day-46
- Creating a window from existing type
- CS
- Editing window graphics
- Importing CAD blocks to edit window graphics
- Import settings
- Tab selection to select chain of walls
- Zero dimension locking
- Flexing family
- Day-47
- Solving unconnected lines after loading family
- Zero dimension locking
- Grouping objects to move with precision
- Moving objects in straight line
- Shift + Arrow buttons
- Enabling flipping in families
- Adding controls to families
- Flip controls
- Lines maintaining end-to-end connectivity
- End to end connections of lines
- How to check if family works correctly
- Day-48
- Customizing graphics for 3-panel window
- WN for windows if desired type not available
- Place window in project
- Importing CAD block
- Import option: Invert
- Subcategory for lines
- Annotate: Symbolic lines
- Day-49
- Autodesk labs.com for searching plugins
- Add-ins lab
- How to export to cad
- Export option can be controlled from object function styles, Layer function, Material cut pattern, surface pattern, phases - structural
- Exporting to CAD: dwg files
- By Layer and New layer for overrides
- Save As
- Object style for walls
- 'Manage' object styles
- Walls: Common, hidden, wall sweep
- Wall object styles and export settings
- Main challenge
- Day-50
- How to match properties
- How did we create 3 panel window graphics with 2D linework
- Tracing frame
- Tracing window panels
- Zero dimension locking
- Day-51
- Difference between annotation text and model text
- How to center window in plan
- Equality constrain
- Giving finish for structural columns with help of Architectural column
- How to exclude walls from area calculation
- Removing room number from Area tool
- How to remove box from room tab
- How to change area notation from ft2 (feet square) to SD
- How to separate areas of spaces without walls
- Hiding room separation lines
- Day-52
- Architectural and structural classification
- Foundation
- Structural foundation
- Wall foundation
- Stacked wall for creating foundation
- Project North
- True North
- Day-53
- Difference between 'Modify' copy and 'Clip board copy'
- Room separation line
- Room and Area
- Editing Room tag to include dimensions
- Day-54
- Showing objects above cutting plane
- Plan region
- Editing view range
- Cutting plane
- Creating slabs
- Structural floor
- Architectural floor
- Warning messages
- Join geometry to cut overlapping volume
- Structural elements
- Day-55
- Creating finishes for floors
- Using same level for finish floor
- Finish thickness
- 2D bed not seen on new finish material on floor
- WF (wire frame) changing host
- How to define new tile pattern
- Line angle
- Line spacing
- Cross hatching
- Day-56
- How to minimize wastage of tiles
- Problem: Tile pattern overlapping on 2D wash basin family
- Problem: Grains of carpet overlapping 2D bed
- Designing stair for residence
- Stringers
- Railings
- Extending railings
- Day-57
- Stair creation
- Use detail lines
- Using 'Shaft openings' to create cut outs on floors
- Shaft openings will not delete objects
- Specifying offset for shaft openings
- Improving rail connections
- Rail connection: Weld
- Hand rails in edit mode: Magenta
- Will shaft openings affect walls?
- Can shaft openings embed each other?
- Day-58
- Correcting overlapping while joining two wall types
- Cut geometry tool
- Join geometry tool
- Special: Adding hatch pattern for wall exterior
- Surface pattern
- Downloading hatch pattern
- Matching material and surface pattern
- Day-59
- If wall layers do not show up
- Cut plane
- View range
- Plan region cut plane overrides
- Projection for parapet wall
- Profile for sweep
- Wall sweep warnings
- Creating plaster thickness for parapet wall top
- Checking wall exterior orientation
- Profile sweep not displayed in section
- Day-60
- Creation of profile for sweep
- Wall sweep warnings
- Plaster thickness for parapet wall top
- Exterior layer orientation - checking its correctness
- Profile sweep not displayed in section
- Day-61
- Useful Short keys in Revit
- Day-62
- How to specify number of backup files
- .000s in backups
- Detecting origin of RVT file
- Dragging cad file to rvt file
- Creating steps from pavement to ground floor
- Monolithic option and stringers
- Creating fill inside stairs
- Stringers: Open / Closed
- Riser type: none
- Day-63
- Creating openings in building exterior
- Wall openings tool
- Wall profile editing combination
- Overlapping condition of exterior wall and slab
- Warning studies: Walls attaching to bottom of floor
- Walls upto floor's level means?
- Attach to its bottom means?
- Day-64
- How to create openings on wall exteriors
- Editing profiles of walls for exterior modeling
- paHow to solve overlapping of walls and floors
- How to create base extension for walls
- Unlocking the base
- Day-65
- Nesting of families
- Creating door-cum-window by Nesting
- Day-66
- How to copy window, doors and other objects from level to level
- Concept of underlay
- Type parameter and Instance parameter
- How to identify them?
- Instance parameter
- Where are the instance parameters
- Day-67
- Architectural columns and Structural columns
- Architectural columns wrap inside wall finishes
- How to give plaster thickness for structural columns
- Join geometry tool
- Beams: loading beams of desired type
- Beams: Start Level Offset and End Level Offset
- How to access section views quickly
- 'Join Geometry' to clean up overlaps between columns, beams, walls and floors
- Day-68
- How to detach / remove the connection between walls?
- How to fill gap between floor and walls?
- Solving profile sweep lowering
- Profile distance from base
- How to create railings
- Problem: Railing not seen in view
- View range: Cut plane
- Problem: Railings floating in air
- Picking a new host
- Solving railing problem
- Day-69
- Railings creation
- How to copy wall openings from ground floor to first floor
- Checking alignment with detail lines
- How to copy doors from ground floor to first floor
- Roofs: procedure for creating roofs
- Concept of 'overhang'
- How to adjust slope for walls
- Planning roof creation
- How to remove slope?
- Why it's important to close spaces with walls before creating roofs?
- Pick walls option for creating roofs
- What are the triangles near magenta lines?
- How to find slope of roofs?
- How to fill gap between wall and roof?
- Day-70
- What is a Stacked Wall?
- Creating stacked wall
- Structure: Top ad Base
- Preview window
- Defining height if individual wall types
- Variable value in stacked wall
- Sample height means
- Designing lintel using Stacked wall
- Creating Stacked wall: procedure
- Offset value
- Flip means
- How to fill gap between floor and beam
- How to clean overlaps between floor and wall?
- Day-71
- How to create Roof?
- Introduction to roofs
- Special topic: Editing door symbol to display plaster thickness around jambs
- Door symbol when plastering around jambs
- Symbolic lines
- Masking Region
- Day-72
- Roof creation: very important
- How to get flat surface in a sloped roof?
- How to create openings in wall to place a fiber water container?
- Problem: How to see plans/levels as reference for creating new walls on levels?
- How to hide many sections at once?
- Temporary and permanent hiding
- How to create roof?
- How to create overhangs
- Creating corners with TR command
- How to remove slope from three sides
- How to fill this gap: attaching wall top to roof
- Day-73
- Roof by foot print
- Pick walls tool
- Tab key to select chain of connected walls
- Triangles near magenta lines
- How to remove slope from one side of roof
- How to make cutouts in roofs?
- Roof and wall overlapping. How to solve?
- Join Geometry tool
- Editing wall profiles to create openings
- View cube
- Detail lines as reference
- Day-74
- How to generate plan view in project browser if there is no corresponding plan view for a level
- How to remove roof from interior of tank room
- How to solve overlapping condition of wall and roof?
- Dark lines on edges
- How to extend wall so that it meets roof?
- Day-75
- How to create site?
- What is 'Associated Level'?
- Parameters to check before creating Toposurface
- Using 'DL' for detail lines to create toposurface
- Day-76
- Preparations for creating sunshade
- Use detail lines to do preparatory work
- Mark height of sunshade using detail lines
- Creating sunshade
- Pick lines tool
- Interesting situation in creating sunshade
- How to hide all detail lines
- Clear 'Defines slope'
- Additional set of roof liens created inside
- How to close gap between sunshade and beam?
- Join geometry tool
- Day-77
- Plug-in software for rendering
- Lumion 3D
- Points at different heights in section
- Contour lines: How are they formed?
- Why are contour lines not in straight lines?
- Shallow slope and steep slope
- Creating a site
- How to change display of contour line intervals?
- Split site tool
- Day-78
- Why is site/toposurface not visible in Level 1?
- Visibility setting
- Hatch pattern in level 1
- View range
- Cut plane
- How to make quick copies of objects
- How to center objects?
- How to create steep slopes?
- How to remove site from interior of building block
- Massing and site
- Defining grass for backyard / toposurface
- Subregion
- How to place trees in site?
- How to hide circular plates below trees?
- Merge surface tool: condition
- Day-79
- Massing and site: Building pad
- Specifying material for building pad
- Offset from level
- How to control contour line display
- Disclosure arrow button
- Contour lines display
- Additional contour lines
- Property lines
- Day-80
- How to fill cut outs in site?
- Grading in site
- Overall process to calculate volume of sand removed
- How does grading tool work?
- Using schedules to calculate volume of sand to be removed
- Grading creates two copies
- How to calculate volume of earth removed?
- Day-81
- Sheet set-up
- How to edit logos on default sheets
- Loading edited sheets into project
- How to place a view on sheet?
- Day-82
- How to create graphical representation of families on a sheet?
- Benefit of legends
- Placing legend components
- Choosing the right views plan / elevation
- Where are legends in project browser?
- Day-83
- Legends (catalogues)
- Activate sheet view
- Placing legends on sheets
- How to edit drawing from sheet
- Callout used for detailing areas of your building model
- How to access callout?
- Two boxes while mousing over callout
- How to texts outside callout
- Controlling depth of callout
- Detail components
- Loading a breakline
- How to rotate a detail component?
- How to hide crop box?
- Day-84
- Masking region
- Filled region
- How to edit filled region
- Families: How to create custom components?
- 8-step framework for creating families
- 1) Plan carefully
- 2) Careful choice of template
- 3) Add ref.planes
- 4) Add parameters and constraints
- 5) Flex the model
- 6) Add geometry
- 7) Flex the model with geometry
- 8) Load it into project (final test)
- Day-85
- Model a pool table
- Insertion of ref. planes
- Adding ref.planes
- Adding equality constraints
- How equality constraints work
- Dimension reference planes
- Length parameter
- Define the height of pool table
- Flexing the model
- Defining thickness of table
- Defining new types
- Day-87
- Creating a parametric pool table
- Working in tile mode
- ZA (zoom all to fit)
- 'Origin'
- Laying out reference planes
- Setting height of table
- Applying constraints and parameters
- Naming reference planes
- Define height and thickness of playing surface
- Flexing
- Defining types of families
- Creating pockets with void extrusions
- Rule for creating pockets
- How to edit all pockets at same time
- Creating supports for POOL TABLE
- Dimensioning and locking reference planes
- Mirroring ref. planes
- Creating supports with blend tool
- Locking GEOMETRY to ref. planes
- WF (Wire frame mode) to view solids overlapping
- Flexing
- How to define finish materials
- Loading families
- Spacebar to flip
- Bimetica.com for families
- Day-88
- Modeling a simple conference table
- Two types of families: system family and custom family
- Main traits of a system family
- Custom family: In-place families and component families
- Two major categories
- Best practice for getting families
- Best practice for getting families
- Annotation symbols
- View specific
- Duplicating views and annotations
- Creating an annotation symbol
- Generic tag to create North arrow
- How to set size of North Arrow
- Split tool
- Creating arrow with filled region and invisible lines
- How to define linestyles
- Setting category of annotations
- How to define line style
- Family Heirarchy
- Day-90
- How to create a room tag that can read finish material from rooms?
- Creating annotation symbol
- M_Room tag template
- Intersection of ref. planes
- Sample text to determine tag size
- Line tool
- Dimension to correct box sizes
- How to end dimensions?
- 'MD' to exit from any command
- EQ button
- Placing labels
- Spacing between parameters
- Why are values not displayed inside tag
- Modifying tag
- Day-91
- Create a Room tag that has different materials on all four walls
- Reason why this kind of parameter could not be created with usual parameter adding method
- Shared parameter technique
- 3 methods to introduce shared parameters
- Creating an annotation tag
- Saving your tag
- How to set the size of your tag
- Creating a square by equalizing dimensions
- Introducing labels
- Creating new parameters
- Bring new parameters to 'Room' Properties panel
- Day-92
- Families modeling: Create a conference table
- Choosing family template file
- 'Origin Point'
- Defines origin
- Behaviour of ref. planes
- Add ref. planes
- Entering feet values in metric environment
- Mirroring ref. planes
- Adding constraints
- Adding parameters
- Instance or Type
- Flexing the ref. plane frame work
- Extrusion tool
- Automatic sketch dimensions
- Defining thickness of table surface
- Moving extruded plane to a different plane
- Naming ref. planes to choose it from list
- Setting location of support
- Support inset parameter
- Modeling supports
- Association of objects to planes
- Using 'Revolve' tool to create supports
- Mirroring supports
- WF (wireframe mode) for viewing supports
- Final step: Flexing and 'Loading into Project'
- Day-93
- How to model supports for table
- Viewing form left
- Set 'Left' ref. plane as the active workplane
- Choose 'Left' ref. plane from window
- 'Show' button to start seeing ref. planes
- Draw a profile using boundary line option
- Completing the support by pressing big green check mark
- Creating more supports using mirror command
- Wireframe mode to see objects
- Problem 1: Supports do not move while flexing
- Soln 1: Associate supports to work plane
- 'Edit work plane' button
- Day-94
- Family modeling tools
- 5 solid forms
- Extrusion profile should be closed for extrusion
- Creating a hollow with profile inside profile
- Cannot extrude overlapping profiles
- Making parametric extrusions
- Assigning height parameter
- Locking surfaces to ref. planes
- Making dimensions parametric
- Making parametric radius
- Important: Place radius while in Edit mode
- Solid forms Blend
- Depth parameter
- Top surface
- Bottom surface
- Day-95
- Family modeling tools
- Creating a revolve
- Care while working in family environment
- Revolve: two step process
- Tilting revolve axis
- Start angle and end angle
- Applying materials to solids
- Important: Apply materials in Edit mode
- BLEND: Controlling height of blend with height parameter
- Placing dimensions on two different planes is not a recommended practice
- Day-96
- How to correct errors after installing Revit?
- Downloading templates
- Folder options to view hidden files
- Initial downloads and allocations
- Correcting file locations
- Day-97
- Creating Sweeps
- Two modes: 1) Path 2) Profile
- First picked segment will contain profile plane
- Viewer button to view profile plane vertically
- What to do if work plane is at an angle?
- View cube inside viewer
- How to create sweep in 3D? [Pick 3D Edges]
- Sketch profile after finishing path
- Day-98
- Family Geometry Modeling
- Swept Blend
- Two phases
- 1) Path 2) Profiles
- Use irregular splines as path
- Use 'Viewer' for drafting accurate profiles
- Create a spring using swept blend tool
- Day-99
- Lighting fixture studies
- How to bring directional focus to lighting fixtures
- Beam angle
- To make a spot that is small and bright
- Spot tilt angle
- Spot field angle
- How to limit spread of spot light
- 'Tilt angle' to aim light in the desired direction
- 'Field angle'
- How to download revit libraries
- Google search 'revit library download'
- Bonus Session
- Conference table revision
- How to mirror ref. planes
- Setting up height of table surface with reference planes
- How to set up thickness of surfaces with ref. planes
- Renaming ref. planes for identification
- How to activate work planes
- Set button
- Modeling supports on workplanes
- How to associate supports / objects to work planes
- How to find out whether an object is associated to any work plane